Match-tip tiny, Brookesia micra (juvenile pictured) is the smallest of four new chameleon species found on the African island country of Madagascar. With an average adult length of just over an inch (2.9 centimeters) from snout to tail, B. micra is among the tiniest reptiles in the world。 科学家最新在非洲马达加斯加发现了一种名为Brookesia的微型变色龙,这种变色龙的体型只有一个火柴头大小的世界最小变色龙品种。这种变色龙成年后,从头到尾的平均体长在1英尺左右(约2.9厘米)。这种变色龙是世界上体型最小的爬行动物。 这种变色龙成年后,从头到尾的平均体长约2.9厘米
Scientists think the diminutive new chameleon species might represent extreme cases of island dwarfism, whereby organisms shrink in size due to limited resources on islands。 科学家认为这种新发现的微型变色龙是岛上资源有限而导致的生物体型减小的极端实例。 网友评论