
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年02月22日 18:00   沪江英语

  Jamie Lee Curtis’ NCIS arc as the “head brain-gamer” — aka Dr. Samantha Ryan of the PsyOps Division — looks to be a most entertaining one, based on this clip from Tuesday’s episode of the CBS drama。

  Upon arriving at the squad room, the good doc is the target of mistaken identity, which promptly leads into her offering her deft analysis of one of the agents。

  Ultimately, the true nature of Samantha’s presence at NCIS is revealed — as is her preexisting connection with one of the very familiar faces。

  CBS电视网系列剧《海军犯罪调查处》(NCIS)发布好莱坞“尖叫女皇”杰米·李·柯蒂斯(Jamie Lee Curtis)客串剧照,她在该剧将参演两集,饰演的角色是萨曼莎·瑞恩博士(Samantha Ryan)。

  据报道,杰米·李·柯蒂斯客串的这两集,主要讲述一位二级安全海军预备役军人意外死亡,萨曼莎·瑞恩博士联合马克·哈蒙(Mark Harmon)饰演的吉布斯(Gibbs),一起揭开该死亡案件的真相。除了杰米·李·柯蒂斯,《指环王》男星西恩·奥斯汀也将出现在剧中,他将作为杰米·李·柯蒂斯的同事一起出现。据悉,两人客串的戏份,将在3月播出。

  现年53岁的杰米·李·柯蒂斯,主演过《真实的谎言》(True Lies)、《H20抓鬼节》(Halloween H20: 20 Years Later)和《月光光心慌慌之大屠杀》(Halloween: Resurrection)等惊悚片,被称作好莱坞“尖叫女皇”。



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