林书豪代言争夺战打响 耐克成功续约成赢家(图)林书豪代言争夺战打响
【NBA快讯】林书豪(微博)的横空出世让各大运动品牌嗅到了商机,近期乔丹、匹克、李宁等国内企业纷纷想把林书豪作为形象代言人纳入麾下的消息频繁见诸报端,但耐克明显更快一步。日前有消息称林书豪已经与耐克成功续约,但合作细节尚未可知。 2010年8月耐克签下林书豪,目前3年合同已经履行到了第二年。虽然续约未得到耐克方面的确认,但据悉耐克公司将为这位尼克斯的控卫球星专门设计签名球鞋。据报道,此款球鞋鞋帮后面绣有“Lin”的字样。 据福布斯杂志估算,林书豪目前的个人市场价值已飙升至1400万美元。 Jeremy Lin's popularity continues to soar, a fact most supported by a rumored shoe deal with Nike。 The industry giant doesn't want to let this opportunity pass. Releasing a Lin basketball shoe while he is the hottest commodity in sports will surely send the masses into a feeding frenzy at stores across the world。 And with this fresh, young face gracing every media outlet known to humanity on a daily basis, new endorsement offers are sure to land on his 20th-story doorstep in White Plains, NY。 How much will Jeremy Lin make from his shoe deal with Nike? CounterKicks is reporting that they have "received a tip from previously credible sources that Nike has created a Jeremy Lin 'Linsanity' edition Zoom Hyperfuse 2011 shoe for the point guard sensation to wear." Jeremy Lin has made a big splash in the U.S. and all over the world during the NBA basketball's shortened season as he plays for the New York Knicks and thanks to injuries and other factors was moved from the end of the bench to the starting line-up。 The result - it appears Jeremy Lin is a very good basketball player and the Knicks went on a seven-game win streak with Lin running the show, which included his first six NBA starts。 网友评论