《三国杀》作为一款热门的桌游,集合历史、文学、美术等元素于一身,让很多玩家欲罢不能。光玩三国杀还不过瘾,于是乎有了这样一些关于三国杀的神迹翻译,不过到底是谁把夏侯惇翻译成Sheldon的!!! 三国杀:Killers of Three Kingdoms 小编:传说这是三国杀的官方翻译,私以为三国的杀手会不会太直白了点…… 爆笑人物翻译 夏侯惇=Sheldon(默默吐槽:那梁山好汉阮小七就可以翻成 raj了?) 魏延=Wayne 张颌=John 孙尚香=Susan 刘备=Lesbesgue 马超=Maxwell 司马懿=Dead horse 黄月英=Mask Lady 小编:司马懿跟死马有半毛钱关系?有一种风中凌乱感…… 三国杀:Killers of Three Kingdoms
还算靠谱的翻译 南蛮入侵 Southern Invasion 无中生有 Value addition 五谷丰登 Harvest Grace 乐不思蜀 Drown in Happiness 铁索连环 Death Line 无懈可击 Spell Interruption 小编:五谷丰登的翻译最深得我心! 南蛮入侵 Southern Invasion
神迹的详细技术翻译 过河拆桥 Sabotage Target a player other than you。 Choose one: That player discard a card from his hand at random; or you choose a card from that player's Equip Zone or Fate Zone, and then that player discard that card。 顺手牵羊 Steal Sheep Target a player other than you whose distance to you is equal or less than 1. Choose one: You choose a card from that player's hand at random, and then put that card into your hand; or you choose a card from that player's Equip Zone or Fate Zone, and then put that card into your hand。 万箭齐发 Arrows Rain Each player may reveal and discard a Missed! card in turn, if one doesn't, Arrows Rain deals 1 damage to him or her。 小编:果真是三国杀的骨灰级粉丝,这么敬业。 网友评论