
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年02月23日 18:26   沪江英语

  1) wanna = want to = 想要,想做

  I wanna go on vacation!

  I don't wanna study!

  You wanna call me back later?

  2) gunna / gonna = going to = 会做

  What's gunna happen!?

  You're gunna freeze to death if you don't put a hat on!

  Are you gunna go to Melissa's party?

  3) coulda = could have = 会有

  I coulda, but I didn't。

  I thought I coulda gone to the concert. But I had to stay home and study。

  Don't worry about what coulda been! Focus on the future!

  4) woulda = would have = 将会

  I woulda, but I didn't。

  I woulda said yes to going on a date with Bob, but my parents woulda killed me! They think I need to focus on my studies。

  5) shoulda = should have = 应会,该有

  I shoulda, but I didn't。

  I shoulda said "yes!" I wanna go on a date with Bob!



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