Men are more likely than women to marry someone they feel is not quite right for them, debunking the myth that women will do anything for a ring - and that men, on the other hand, will do anything to shun commitment。 The recent Singles in America survey by Match.com - which also drew attention to the sexual differences between political persuasions - delivered the surprising results。 Of the survey's 5,000 respondents, 31 percent of men, compared to 23 percent of women, admitted they would consider marrying someone who 'has everything they are looking for in a partner' but with whom they weren't in love。 21 percent of men went even further, confessing that they would commit to someone they weren't sexually attracted to。 Contrary to what popular culture suggests - which lady hasn't sympathised with Bridget Jones, or laughed at 27 Dresses? - men, young men in particular, are only too happy to settle。 Whether it is a resignation to believing there may never be 'the one' or a case of domestic pragmatism, men are willing to commit and live a life with a woman they feel is not 100 percent ideal。 Counter-intuitively, the urge to marry was even stronger for men in their twenties than for those in their thirties and rose again for men in their forties。 The apparent resignation among men to marry for the sake of marrying - and the company, support and security it offers - rather than for love and true attraction does not come as news to some men。 Tom Fant, a healthcare consultant in New York, told the Daily Beast: 'The idea of being alone in life can be so overwhelming. Soul crushing for some。 'Men certainly aren't immune to it, even if most of us like to pretend that we are too strong to be scared, lonely, or, even worse, insecure.' 男人其实比女人更能接受不是很有感觉的人作为自己的结婚对象,这打破了女人愿为结婚做任何事,而男人会不惜一切逃避婚姻承诺的不实传言。 婚恋网站Match.com近日开展的美国单身人士调查发布了这一惊人的结果,该调查还关注了男女在政治信仰上的差异。 调查涵盖的5000人中,31%的男性和23%的女性坦言他们会考虑和一个“符合自己对伴侣的所有要求”但自己不爱的人结婚。 21%的男性甚至承认他们会和对自己没有性吸引力的女人结婚。 这和流行文化传递的信息正相反。哪个女人不曾与布里吉特•琼斯产生过共鸣,又有哪个女人会嘲笑《27次伴娘》的主人公呢?受其影响,人们认为男人,特别是年轻男人,都很享受当前的快乐生活,不愿被婚姻绑住。 不管是无奈地认为“真爱”也许根本不存在,还是对家庭所持的实用主义价值观,不少男人愿意和一个并非百分百理想对象的女人结婚并一起生活。 和我们的直觉相反,二十多岁的男人比三十多岁的男人更想结婚,在男人过了四十以后,结婚愿望又重新变得强烈起来。 男人为结婚而结婚对某些男人来说并不是新闻,他们为了获得陪伴、支持和安全感而结婚,而非为了爱情和吸引力而结婚,这显然也是无奈之举。 纽约保健顾问汤姆•凡特告诉美国新闻网站“每日野兽”说:“孤独终老的念头让人受不了。甚至让某些人有灵魂破碎的感觉。 “虽然大多数男人都喜欢假装自己很坚强,坚强到无所畏惧,不会寂寞,也不会有不安全感,但男人对此确实没有免疫力。” 网友评论