
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年02月24日 14:41   沪江英语

  1) Coulda, woulda shoulda! 早知如此!

  Hi Bob! I've changed my mind! I'd like to go dinner with you!

  Oh... you made plans with someone else?

  I missed my chance! Coulda, woulda shoulda!

  2) kinda = kind of = 有点

  I'm kinda busy. Can I call you back?

  I'm kinda cold. Can we go inside?

  I'm kinda confused here...Will you help me?

  3) sorta = sort of = 有点

  I'm sorta lost. Can you help me find the Starbucks on 4th street?

  I'm sorta stuck here. I don't understand the question。

  - How did your date with Bob go?

  - Pretty good! I sorta like him!

  4) Sorta kinda 有点

  I'm sorta kinda busy / cold / confused。

  5) lil bit = little bit = 有点

  I'm lil bit hungry! You wanna go get lunch with me?

  Melissa seems a lil bit tired. I think she's been studying too much!

  I miss OMG!美语 fans a lil bit! I really wanna go back to China to see you all!



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