HEFEI - A pretty teenager suffered horrific burns to her face and body when she was splashed with lighter fluid after she had spurned the advances of a classmate。 安徽省合肥市,花季少女因拒绝同班同学的求爱,遭到对方泼洒打火机油焚烧毁容,受害少女面部及身上各处严重烧伤。 Zhou Yan, 17, incurred second and third-degree burns to 30 percent of her body, particularly around her head, neck and chest, following the alleged attack by 17-year-old Tao Rukun in the bedroom of her home last September。 2011年9月,17岁的周岩被同岁的同学陶汝坤在家中袭击惨遭毁容,烧伤面积超过30%,烧伤深度达二度、三度,其头面部、颈部、胸部等严重烧伤。 Zhou required intensive care in hospital for a week before she was out of danger, but after months of treatment, she has had to leave hospital prematurely and is now recovering at home - in the bedroom where the attack took place。 周岩在医院接受了一周的重症特别护理才脱离生命危险,但在接受几个月的治疗后,她不得不提早离开医院在家里恢复治疗。周岩现在住的卧室,就是当时毁容袭击发生的地点。 This is due to a dispute between her family and Tao's over payment of medical expenses。 周岩的父母与陶汝坤一家就医药费的赔偿问题产生了纠纷。 According to Zhou Yan's mother Li Cong, Tao started asking Zhou to be his girlfriend a few years ago. Li then transferred her daughter to another junior middle school to get away from Tao, but to no avail。 据周岩的妈妈表示,陶汝坤在几年前就开始纠缠周岩要求她做其女朋友,家里为了帮周岩躲避陶汝坤的骚扰就将女儿转学到另一所中学读书,但最终悲剧还是发生了。 "Tao's parents were nice to us and frequently visited my daughter in hospital at first. But all that changed when Xu Congxiao, Tao's mother, asked me to sign the paperwork for her son's bail appeal while he awaited trial," Li Cong said in an interview with local television。 李聪在接受当地电视台的采访时表示,“陶汝坤的父母刚开始对我们很友好,经常来医院看望我女儿。但后来他的母亲许从笑要我在一份关于陶汝坤取保候审的材料上签字。我们拒绝签字后,他们就不再支付治疗费用。” 病床上的受害者
Li added that Tao's parents were local government officials. Tao's father works for Hefei urban planning bureau and his mother is with Hefei Audit Bureau。 陶汝坤的父母都是当地政府机关的工作人员。母亲是合肥市审计局办公室主任,父亲则在合肥市规划局计划财务处上班。 After help with their son's bail request was refused by Li Cong, Tao's parents refused to pay any further medical bills. Zhou Yan was then transferred to her home in December when her family fell into arrears of more than 100,000 yuan ($15,900)in medical expenses, said local media。 根据当地媒体报道,在李聪拒绝为陶汝坤的取保候审材料签字后,陶汝坤的父母就拒绝再支付治疗费用。周岩自12月开始就被迫出院,家里现在拖欠医院10多万元治疗费用。 But the family's plight received wide media and public attention last week, when Li Cong posted their story and "before and after" pictures of her daughter on Sina Weibo。 上周,周岩的母亲李聪把此事件以及女儿在毁容前后的照片传上新浪微博,周岩一家的困境引起了媒体和公众的广泛关注。 Tao Rukun was arrested by Hefei police on Sept 18, the day after the attack, and is currently being held at the First Detention Center in Hefei。 陶汝坤在毁容事件发生后的9月18日被合肥警方拘捕,目前被关押在合肥第一看守所。 His father Tao Wen posted an apology letter on weibo on Saturday, saying he would do everything possible to help Zhou Yan and would accept the legal judgment on his son。 周六陶汝坤的父亲陶文在微博上发表致歉信,表示会竭尽全力为周岩治疗,并接受儿子应承担的法律判决。 网友评论