2012奥斯卡:红毯上最令人艳羡的情侣档(图)![]() NATALIE & BENJAMIN 娜塔莉&本杰明 With baby Aleph at home, last year's Best Actress winner, Natalie Portman, and fiancé Benjamin Millepied only have eyes for each other on Oscar night。 去年的最佳女演员得主娜塔莉·波特曼与未婚夫本杰明在奥斯卡之夜的红毯上眼中只有对方,他们的宝宝阿尔法则被留在了家里。 ![]() BRAD & ANGELINA 布拉德&安吉丽娜 It's an A-list love match! Best Actor nominee Brad Pitt and longtime love Angelina Jolie stay color-coordinated – and in sync! – while waving to fans at the Academy Awards。 这绝对是一堆顶尖的爱侣!获影帝提名的布拉德·皮特与长久以来的爱人安吉丽娜·朱莉在奥斯卡红毯上向粉丝们挥手时,看起来非常和谐而一致。 ![]() VIOLA & JULIUS 维奥拉&朱利斯 Best Actress nominee Viola Davis and husband of nearly nine years Julius Tennon (who encouraged the actress to embrace her natural hair) maintain a loving connection while working their way down the red carpet。 获影后提名的维奥拉·戴维斯与结婚九年的丈夫朱利斯在红毯上仍旧保持亲密。(他鼓励她怀抱自己天生的美丽头发) ![]() MELISSA & BEN 梅丽莎&本 It's Melissa McCarthy by a nose! The Best Supporting Actress nominee and husband Ben Falcone show their offscreen chemistry at the Oscars, where their film Bridesmaids is up for Best Original Screenplay。 这是梅丽莎麦卡锡的鼻子!提名最佳女配角的麦卡锡与老公本法龙在奥斯卡上展示了他们荧屏以外的化学反应。他们的电影《伴娘》被提名“最佳原创剧本”。 ![]() GEORGE & STACY 乔治&史黛西 He's got his very own golden girl! Best Actor nominee George Clooney takes in his glam Oscar date, girlfriend Stacy Keibler。 他拥有自己的黄金女孩!最佳男演员提名乔治·克鲁尼带上他迷人的奥斯卡女伴——史黛西。 ![]() JEAN & ALEXANDRA 让&亚力克山大 Say brie! The Artist's Best Actor winner, Jean Dujardin, and wife of nearly three years Alexandra Lamy make their way hand-in-hand down the Oscars red carpet。 “茄子!”从《大艺术家》中走出的影帝让杜·雅尔丹与结婚三年的妻子亚力克山大手牵手走上奥斯卡红毯。 ![]() JANET & JOE 珍妮特&乔 Janet McTeer, who was up for Best Supporting Actress for Albert Nobbs, gets the sweet good-luck smooch from her main man, Joe Coleman, before the Oscars telecast。 凭借《雌雄莫辩》获最佳女配提名的珍妮·麦克蒂尔在奥斯卡电视直播前获得了老公乔的好运一吻。 ![]() CHRISTOPHER & ELAINE 克里斯托弗&伊莲 The Beginners's Best Supporting Actor winner Christopher Plummer escorts his wife of more than 40 years, Elaine Taylor, down the Oscars red carpet。 凭借《新手人生》最佳男配角奖的克里斯托弗,与结婚40余年的妻子伊莲袖手走过红毯。 ![]() COLIN & LIVIA 科林&利维亚 Last year's Best Actor winner, Colin Firth, only has eyes for his gorgeous wife of 14 years, Livia, at the Oscars。 去年的影帝科林·费斯早奥斯卡典礼上,眼中只有与他携手走过14年的美丽妻子利维亚。 ![]() BÉRÉNICE & MICHEL 贝热尼丝贝乔&米歇尔 Look who's got her own song-and-dance man! Best Supporting Actress nominee Bérénice Bejo sticks close to her husband, The Artist director Michel Hazanavicius, who busts a smooth move on the red carpet in celebration before his Best Director and Best Picture wins。 看看谁带来了自己的舞伴!获最佳女配提名的贝热尼丝贝乔紧紧贴在老公—《大艺术家》导演米歇尔—身边,在他的影片获得“最佳电影”和“最佳导演”之前就在红毯上大跳了一段恩爱庆祝舞。 ![]() MISS PIGGY & KERMIT 猪小姐&科密 He's got her oink of approval! Longtime loves Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog enjoy a glamorous date night at the Academy Awards, where their film, The Muppets, took home Best Original Song for "Man or Muppet." 他得到了她的芳心!长期爱侣猪小姐与青蛙科密在奥斯卡颁奖礼上享受了一个迷人的约会之夜,他们的《布偶大电影》把最佳原创歌曲奖搬回了家。 网友评论