
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月02日 16:56   沪江英语

  While I love to imagine Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston having a sleepover where they apply face masks and raid each other’s closets, that clearly isn’t the case. In reality, the only common thread between the two a-listers is Brad Pitt — but they have an affinity for dressing alike on the red carpet and constantly copy each other’s style!

  From the sexy slit to the neckline, when I saw the Angelina Jolie Oscar dress 2012 last night, all I could think of was Jen’s very leggy look at the Golden Globes just a couple of years ago. While Angelina totally stole the show last night, popping her hip in her Versace gown, she must have known it was so similar to Jen’siconic Versace. America’s Sweetheart owned that look — and there’s no way Angie didn’t realize her gown was so similar. While Jennifer Aniston wasn’t at the Oscars last night, we were instantly reminded of her when Angie walked out on the red carpet。

  For two women who really try to steer clear of each other, they love dressing so similar — I really don’t get it! Personally, Jen’s sun-kissed, toned legs and the effortlessly chic she carries herself wins in my book. Angie tried way too hard last night to show off her leg — I just wasn’t feeling it. What do you think? Who worked the sexy slit best?




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