
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月05日 09:54   沪江英语

  1) Golly! 天啊!

  Golly! That's such a cute cat!

  Golly! I don't feel so good。

  Golly! He is so handsome!

  2) Gosh! 天啊!

  Gosh! I love your shoes! They're so cute!

  Gosh... I have so much homework tonight!

  Gosh! I forgot my wallet on the metro!

  3) Golly gosh! 天啊!

  Golly gosh! I won a million dollars in the lottery!

  4) Goodness! 天啊!哎哟!

  5) Goodness gracious! 哎哟!

  - I think I'm gunna faint..!

  - Oh, goodness! Be careful! Sit down before you fall!

  - Boo!

  - Oh, goodness! You startled me!

  6) Geez!! 哎哟!

  - I can't believe you said that!

  - Oh, geez! Don't be so sensitive!

  Geez! The pizza delivery man is taking forever!!

  I'm so hungry. Where are my pizzas!?

  Geez...I don't want vacation to end! I wanna travel forever!



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