
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月05日 14:32   中国日报网-英语点津


  Vanity sizing, also known as size inflation, is used to refer to the phenomenon of ready-to-wear clothing of the same nominal size becoming larger over time。

  虚荣尺寸(vanity sizing),也叫做尺寸膨胀,指随着时代的发展,各类成衣制品在尺寸号码不变的情况下,实际尺寸增大的现象。

  The increasing dimension of garments of the same nominal size has caused some designers to introduce size 0, 00, or subzero sizes. Different manufacturers have modified sizes so that a woman who once wore a size 12 dress can now wear a 10 or an 8.


  Many commentators have suggested that "vanity" sizing, as its name suggests, is designed to satisfy buyers' wishes to appear thin and feel better about themselves. While some others also suggests that vanity sizing allows clothing companies to cater their sizing to their demographic, since women of different sizes may be attracted to different brands. Finally, it has been suggested that vanity sizing merely reflects the increasing prevalence of obesity。




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