London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay 2012伦敦奥运会火炬接力 The Olympic Torch will travel across the UK for 70 days before arriving at the Olympic Stadium for the start of the Olympic Games。 2012伦敦奥运会火炬接力将持续70天,穿越整个英国,最后到达奥运会开幕场馆。 Eight thousand Torchbearers will carry the Torch through more than 1,000 communities. Some unusual methods of transport will be used, including horse, steam train and even zip wire。 本次奥运会的火炬接力将由8000名火炬手参与,经过1000多个社区。其中,还会有一些别出心裁的火炬接力方式,比如骑马、蒸汽火车、甚至高空滑降。 The Torch will arrive in London on 21 July, passing through all of London's boroughs on its way to the Olympic Stadium。 火炬将在7月21日到达伦敦,并横跨伦敦所有的街区,一路奔向奥林匹克体育场。 About the Olympic Torch 伦敦奥运会火炬的那些事儿 The Torch was designed by East Londoners Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby。 伦敦奥运会火炬由设计师爱德华· 巴伯和杰伊·奥斯戈比设计完成。 Its triangular shape was inspired by a series of "threes": 这柄三角形的火炬其中象征了很多“三”的含义: The three Olympic values of respect, excellence and friendship 象征奥林匹克的三种精神:尊重、卓越和友谊; The three words of the Olympic motto: faster, higher, stronger 象征奥林匹克的三句口号:更快、更高、更强; The fact that London is hosting the Games for the third time 象征伦敦第三次举办奥运会; The three main topics covered by the London 2012 Games: sport, education and culture 象征2012伦敦奥运会的三大主题:体育、教育和文化; The Torch is perforated by 8,000 circles, representing the 8,000 Torchbearers。 伦敦奥运火炬上镂刻有8000个圆环,象征8000名奥运火炬手。 2012伦敦奥运会将于7月27日开幕,在开幕之前最盛大的活动就是奥运火炬的传递!虽然这柄奥运火炬在刚刚面世的时候,被很多英国人吐槽为“废纸篓”,但是,奥运火炬中蕴含的深意还是体现了设计者和主办方的巧心思! 网友评论