
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月09日 10:23   中国日报网-英语点津
Inmates at a women's prison in Siberia have taken part in a beauty contest to mark International Women's Day.  Inmates at a women's prison in Siberia have taken part in a beauty contest to mark International Women's Day.


Inmates at a women's prison in Siberia have taken part in a beauty contest to mark International Women's Day.

The contestants were the residents of Penal Colony No 10 at the Gorni settlement, which lies about 62 miles north of Vladivostok.

They shed their usual prison outfits for gowns and paraded in front of a cheering audience before inmate Maria Gapenko was eventually crowned the winner.

International Women's Day - which takes place on March 8 - was started as a socialist political event and is particularly popular in eastern Europe and Russia.

In recent years, however, western cultures have become more interested in the event, particularly since 1977 when the UN suggested member states take up the day as the UN Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.



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