HR不会告诉你的十大职场奥义:有关薪酬   2012年03月19日 10:50   沪江英语

  "I may say 'I'm terminating you because you didn't meet performance measures.' I'm not going to say it's because you're a pain in the butt and piss people off every time you interact with them.'" –HR Manager at a healthcare facility。



  8.A Method to the Madness


  "I was asked by one CEO to hire the long-legged girl with the long dark hair even though she didn't have the right skills. Another time, I was instructed not to hire anyone with children because the company had too many people leaving for soccer games. That kind of thing happens all the time." –Cynthia Shapiro


  "I've seen managers not hire a woman because the environment is mostly male, and they're worried that no matter how smart or talented she is, she won't fit in." –HR representative at a Fortune 500 financial services firm



  9.Money Matters


  "If we ask 'What salary are you looking for?' say you're flexible, or say it depends on the responsibilities of the job. Try not to name a salary unless we really push you, because that gives us a leg up in the negotiating." –A human resources professional in New York City


  "Don't lie about your salary. Ever. Even if your employer doesn't tell us (and most do), we'll find out eventually. I've terminated two people for doing that." –A human resources professional in New York City



  10. Your Résumé


  "We get résumés on fancy schmantzy papers. We get them with gold-pressed lettering. We get them in binders and in document protectors with ribbons. None of that sways me." –HR Manager in St. Cloud, Minnesota


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