俗话说,早起的鸟儿有虫吃!早起的好处人人都知道,可是我们就是不愿与亲爱的床分离。每天起床的时候,心里都在默念“床,你不要这样,你放我走,我是有工作的人!”现在,就教你十招,助你轻松离开“床”的魔爪! If others can be out of bed really early, so can you! It’s all a matter of changing routines, learning the benefits of being an early riser and practicing the new habit positively。 如果别人都可以早起,那么你也可以!早起只是习惯而已,向早起者学习,养成习惯就好。 1.Make your bedroom a partner. A great bed, better pillow textures and form, and comfortable sheets would surely help in changing your sleeping – and waking – patterns. Change your bed position so you’d face the rising sun. Have the lights automatically turn on at set times in the morning. Don’t have TV or the internet in your bedroom to avoid late night temptations。 卧室是促进早起的好伙伴。床、枕头、床单被单都要舒舒服服的,这些小物什可以帮助你更好地养成早睡早起的习惯。改变一下床的位置,让你在床上就能看到冉冉升起的太阳。卧室的照明最好能设置成定时开启。在卧室里就不要摆放电视或可以上网的电脑了,这样你就不会受到诱惑而熬夜了。 2.Open a window. Having great air during sleep is good for your health so make sure you have a window or two opened at night。 开一扇窗。睡眠时,保证空气流通,有利身体健康。所以,睡觉的时候,记得要开一两扇窗。 3.Consistent hours even on weekends.Stick to the sleep hours and waking up routine even on weekends and holidays. Once the pattern is broken, it’s difficult to get back on track。 双休日也要作息规律。即使是在双休日或节假日也要按照平时的作息规律早睡早起。一旦早起的习惯被打破,要想重新养成就不容易了。 4.Turn on the light right away. As darkness helps people sleep, light would keep the body attuned to day. So once you’re awake, reach for the light right away。 一起床就开灯。黑暗有助睡眠,同理,光亮可以唤醒身体。所以,一旦你醒了,就把灯打开,让你的身体也醒一醒。 5.Stretch. Don’t jolt your heart by suddenly jogging or doing jumping jacks in place. Instead, do stretching in most parts of your body to allow the “daytime” body processes to start well。 伸展身体。早晨醒来后,不要马上坐起来,这样对心脏不好。你可以伸展一下身体,让身体的各个部位都活动开,以准备迎接新的一天。 6.Water right after. For some, a glass of water isn’t just a healthy start, it also wakens their internal body system. Or if you need it, have water on your face to splash off sleepiness! 赶紧喝水。对于有些人来说,喝水不仅是件有益健康的事情,而且可以加速唤醒身体。如果你觉得有必要的话,也可以用清水拍拍脸,让自己赶紧清醒过来。 7.A gentle reminder. Still too sleepy? Put the days’ to do list somewhere like the bathroom cabinet where you’d be reminded what lies ahead. This should keep you on track and make you appreciate your effort to rise early。 温柔的提醒。一直昏昏欲睡?那就把一天要做的任务清单贴在洗手间的柜子上。这样,你一看到还有那么多事要去完成,精神自然就上来了。这个方法可以潜移默化地提醒你要早起。 8.Find a partner.Ask your spouse or partner, even someone at work to make surprise calls just to check you’re really up. Mothers are great at this! 找别人把你叫醒。告诉你的伴侣或者朋友,让他们在早上给你打电话,把你叫醒。妈妈们通常都很擅长做这种事! 9.Perk up. Find the one good song or album to fill the air with positive sounds as you start the day. If coffee or cold fruit juice perks you up, then go ahead and drink. If it’s the morning talk shows or news that gets you going, then turn the TV on。 奖励自己。在开始新的一天的时候,播放自己爱听的歌曲或专辑,用音乐来激励自己。如果喝杯咖啡或果汁可以让你清醒,那就来一杯。如果看早间的脱口秀节目或早新闻能让你驱散困意,那就打开电视机吧。 10. Congratulate yourself – out loud. Once you’re up, express wonderful congratulations verbally. It solidifies being awake, particularly if you say, “You’ve done it again!” with “Now let’s get going, dude! Time for coffee and let’s rock!” Imagine saying all these out loud! 大声恭喜自己。一旦你起床了,就大声地恭喜自己吧!想象一下,当你对自己大喊道,“天呐,你又早起了!赶紧开始新的一天吧!喝喝咖啡,动起来吧!” 大声鼓励自己会“赶跑”睡意。 网友评论