电视里的相亲节目不断爆出争议话题,不像是为大家服务,更像是精心策划的一场“秀”。在线婚配呢,倒是显得很私人,可是你真的相信网络那一端跟你说话的不是一名刚满7岁的小学生吗?请别误会,小编这不是在泼冷水,只是想向大家介绍一种新的相亲方式。 Intellidating, a blend of intelligent and dating, refers to dating that emphasizes intelligence, particularly by attending lectures, readings, or other cultural events。 Intellidating,是intelligent(智慧)和dating(相亲、约会)两词的合成词,指一起听讲座、去读书会或其它文化活动,强调才华和智慧层面的约会相亲,我们称之为“智慧相亲”。 Call it the courtship equivalent to the slow-food movement. Call it a backlash against point and click matchmaking. Whichever, intellidating — an unhurried, decidedly highbrow approach to mating — is catching on in big cities around the world。 你可以说这是“慢食运动”的翻版,也可以说是对在线婚配的反击。不管你怎么定义,“智慧相亲”这种不紧不慢、决意走高雅路线的相亲方式已经开始在世界各大城市兴起。 Intellidating is also a boon for the shy. In contrast to speed-dating, which demands rigidly timed discussions about pretty much whatever pops to mind, events such as lectures and viewings offer built-in conversational pegs。 “智慧相亲”同时也是害羞人士的良方。速配相亲中因为时间有限,所以都是想起什么就聊什么;而“智慧相亲”中的讲座和观赏等活动可以为双方提供很多现成的话题。 网友评论