
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月27日 15:22   沪江英语


  近日,苏州一当地论坛有一则名为《苏州高校再现“自杀式”毕业照》的帖子引发了网友们的热议。“瞧这两张照片,多危险啊!” 发帖人阿鸣称,最近苏州高校的应届毕业生正在拍毕业照,一位教师朋友给他发来了两张照片,他看后不由冷汗直冒。两张照片中的学生都身穿学士服。其中一张学生站在一个距离地面几米高的平台栏杆外,仅单手握住栏杆,而且单脚悬空,身体还在拼命向外伸展,作出“飞翔”状。另一张照片中,学生则作出“灌篮”状,双手攀在篮球架的篮筐上,双腿弯曲。“万一没有抓紧栏杆掉下去怎么办?” 阿鸣表达了自己的担忧。





  毕业典礼:graduation commencement

  “毕业典礼”的英文说法除了常见的graduation ceremony外,还有commencement,在毕业典礼上,各学院的院长(dean)和老师们将向毕业生(graduates)颁发学位证书(diploma),有些学校还会邀请社会名流来做毕业演讲(graduation speech)。

  毕业生在毕业典礼上的服装也是很有讲究的,最重要的就是学位服(academic dress),方帽长袍(Cap and Gown)是毕业生服装的经典形象。


  四方帽上的流苏在颜色和位置上也很有讲究。流苏系挂在帽顶的帽结上,沿帽檐自然下垂。未授予学位时,流苏垂在着装人所戴学位帽右前侧中部,学位授 予仪式上,授予学位后,由学位评定委员会主席(或校、院、所长)把流苏从着装人的帽檐右前侧移到左前侧中部,并呈自然下垂状。 博士学位流苏为红色,硕士学位流苏为深蓝色,校( 院、所)长帽流苏为黄色。 但不同国家或是不同学习也会有一些自己的习俗。

  In US graduation ceremonies, the side on which the tassel hangs can be important. Sometimes it is consistent among all students throughout the ceremony, in other cases it differs based on level of study with undergraduate students wearing the tassel on the right, and graduate student wearing them on the left. In some ceremonies, the student wears the tassel on one side until reception of the diploma, then it is switched to the other。


  At the high school level, the tassel is usually either the school's primary color or a mix of the school's colors with as many as three colors in a tassel. Sometimes a tassel of a distinctive color, such as gold, is worn by those graduating with Latin Honors or on the "honor roll"。


  For Bachelor degrees the tassel may be colored differently from the traditional black or school colors to represent the field (or one as closely related as possible) in which the wearer obtained his or her education. In 1896 most colleges and universities in the United States adopted a uniform code governing academic dress. The tassel may be adorned with a charm in the shape of the digits of the year。

  In the UK, the tassel is shorter and is gathered at the button at the center of the board. The U.S. style is slightly longer, gathered at a cord attached to the button。


  At the University of Cambridge, undergraduates by ancient convention used to cut their tassels very short so that the tassel does not extend beyond the edge of the board. After they graduated, they wore the square cap with the tassel at the normal length. This convention has now fallen into disuse; few people now wear headgear with academic dress at any time and undergraduates in particular have no need to wear the cap。




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