观众评选2011年度电影十二宗“最”(组图)![]() Down with the Oscars! The Real Best Movies of the Year! 打败奥斯卡,来看看2011年真正的好电影吧! With Hollywood's season of self-pleasuring in full swing, GQ pays tribute to the movies of 2011 by handing out a few awards of it's own。 随着好莱坞的颁奖季如火如荼的进行,GQ杂志也不甘示弱推出了自己评选出的2011年的最佳影片。 ![]() Movie of the Year: The Tree of Life 年度大片:《生命之树》 As gorgeously elusive as if it had been edited by butterflies, Terrence Malick's dawn-of-creation reverie about a 1950s Texas boyhood had its share of visionary overreach. But Brad Pitt gave the greatest screen performance of 2011 as America's ultimate midcentury dad. Thwarted, soulful almost in spite of himself, he was why Malick's aspirations to profundity came close to the real thing。 该片场景华美得难以捉摸,就好似蝴蝶在飞舞,泰伦斯。马力克对一名20世纪50年代德州男孩童年幻想的刻画有着超越梦想的成分。但是,作为世纪中期终极父亲的形象,布拉德·皮特2011年荧屏表现最佳。一个失败却深情得几乎忘我的父亲,他的表演使马力克颇具深度的影片更接近真实。 ![]() Dud of the Millennium: Sucker Punch 千年哑弹:《美少女特攻队》 300 director Zack Snyder's $82 million dream project turned out to be Inception for Barely Legal fans. WTF? No, seriously: WTF? 《300勇士》导演扎克。施奈德斥资8千2百万的梦想工程却成了《俏律师新上路》粉丝的“盗梦空间”。搞什么?真的!到底在搞什么? ![]() Best Movie That Will Be an Opera Someday: Melancholia 有期一日可能演绎为歌剧的最佳电影:《忧郁症》 Set among a family of rich, wounded monsters whose antics take on a tragic heft once we learn they're facing extinction, Lars von Trier's finest film yet was the rare end-of-the-world story that convincingly wondered whether Earth's demise would be worth mourning. And from Kirsten Dunst doing Sylvia Plath better than Plath did to Kiefer Sutherland making you think Ingmar Bergman would have killed to hire him, the cast proved wonders never cease。 故事以一个富有的、受过伤害的古怪家庭为主线,当我们知道他们正面临灭顶之灾时,他们的怪异行为呈现出悲剧的力量,拉斯·冯·提尔最优秀的影片仍是罕见的世界末日主题,故事引入了地球的毁灭是否令人哀伤的思考。从比西尔维亚·普拉斯(忧郁诗人)更忧郁的克里斯汀·邓斯特到最适合英格玛·伯格曼影片的基弗·萨特兰,他们的表演触动着观众的心弦。 ![]() Best Love Story: J. Edgar 最佳爱情故事:《胡佛传》 Perfunctory at best in its biopic mode, 81-year-old Clint Eastwood's latest turned into a different—and far more interesting—movie whenever Leonardo DiCaprio and Armie Hammer were alone together on-screen as FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and his intimate crony Clyde Tolson. If public life has seldom looked so constricting, rarely have closets looked roomier。 一向对传记片最心不在嫣的81岁的克林特。伊斯特伍德最近改弦更张,而莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥和阿密·汉默两人独处的场景更使他的传记大作妙趣横生,两位明星分别在剧中扮演联邦调查局局长J·爱德加·胡佛及其至友克莱德·托尔森。如果公众生活很少如此受约束,那么密室看起来也不会更宽敞。 网友评论