“婴儿相亲会”兴起:找对象要从娃娃抓起(图)前段时间大家都在讨论娃娃相亲会,我很诧异,想着小孩子干吗这么着急呢。后来一了解,才知道原来所谓的“相亲”只是新潮的80后父母给孩子找玩伴的一个戏虐说法而已。 “相亲”从娃娃抓起?
“Baby dating” describes a trend where young parents try to find playmates for their kids through online platforms just like adults who are looking for a date. They list detailed requirements for the potential “son/daughter-in-law” and display pictures of their kids on different websites to attract attention。 “娃娃相亲”指年轻的父母们用“相亲”的方式通过互联网给小孩寻找玩伴的做法。他们会详细列出对应征对象的各项要求,并且在有关网站展示自己孩子的照片,吸引其它父母关注。 Young parents are doing this for various reasons: 娃娃相亲的目的 1. To find a playmate for their kids。 为了给孩子找玩伴 2. In this way, they can “have” a daughter AND a son。 过把儿女双全的瘾 3. Through baby dating, the parents can also make new friends in the city。 多门亲戚好走动 4. The kids can learn to get along with peers of the opposite sex from an early age。 给宝宝积累异性交往经验 5. It will be perfect if they come to a happy ending。 多一个美好的期待也不错 网友评论