
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月29日 17:18   国际在线
This child has been temporarily transformed from Mehrnoush the girl to Mehran the boy. [Agencies]  This child has been temporarily transformed from Mehrnoush the girl to Mehran the boy. [Agencies]

  For economic and social reasons, many Afghan parents want to have a son, BBC reported. This preference has led to some of them practicing the long-standing tradition of Bacha Posh -- disguising girls as boys。

  Azita Rafhat is a former member of the Afghan parliament. Three of her daughters are clothed in white garments and their heads covered with white scarves, but a fourth girl, Mehrnoush, is dressed in a suit and tie。

  When they go outside, Mehrnoush is no longer a girl but a boy named Mehran. Azita Rafhat didn't have a son, and to fill the gap and avoid people's taunts for not having a son, she opted for this radical decision。

  "When you have a good position in Afghanistan and are well off, people look at you differently. They say your life becomes complete only if you have a son," she says。

  Many girls disguised as boys can be found in Afghan markets. Some families disguise their daughters as boys so that they can easily work on the streets to feed their families。

  Elaha lives in Mazar-e Sharif in northern Afghanistan. She lived as a boy for 20 years because her family didn't have a son and reverted only two years ago when she had to go to university。

  However, she does not feel fully female: she says her habits are not girlish and she does not want to get married。










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