
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月31日 13:57   新浪教育



  Dutch manufacturer Tolkamp Metaalspecials has created a bicycle school bus that’s mostly powered by its passengers and driver。

  The ‘Bicycle School Bus’ carries eight kids from ages 4-12, three freeloaders (who sit in front), and an adult driver (who steers the bus)。

  The vehicle has seats that can be adjusted to fit all sized, and travels at a top speed of up to 10 miles per hour。

  It also features: a sound system, a canvas fold-up awning for rainy days, and an electric motor for a little boost for tough hills。

  Each bicycle school bus costs about US$15,000.

  Thomas Tolkamp, maker of the bike, told Fast.Co Exist: “A few years ago someone mailed me with the question if I could develop a bike especially for transporting kids. So for that other company (a child care) I made the first bicycle. Some other companies were also interested, so I began to produce more bicycles and have improved the bike。”

  “It’s possible to ride the bike without the motor when most seats are in use, but it wouldn’t be safe to ride without an adult。”




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