出生在瑞士的这头小牛名叫Lilli,7周大的她已经是当地“名牛”了。原因很简单:她有六条腿。Lilli刚出生的时候很多人都预言这怪物肯定活不长,但事实上现在她和其他小牛一样健康茁壮地成长着。 牛主人表示他实在不忍心将这么生机勃勃的小生物送去安乐死。尽管Lilli可能一辈子也无法成为一头正常的奶牛,但如果她继续保持健康,将有望在夏天和其他“牛友”们一起到阿尔卑斯山吃草。 Seven-week-old Lilli is now a minor celebrity in her native Switzerland after local media were splashed with images of the calf frolicking across a sunny field。 Farmer Andreas Knutti from Weissenburg, which is 19 miles (30 kilometres) south of the capital Bern, says he couldn't bring himself to euthanise the animal because she was "so full of life." He told Swiss daily Blick on Thursday that a curve in her spine means Lilli may never become a normal milk cow。 But Knutti says if the calf stays healthy she'll still be allowed to join the others when they head for their Alpine pastures this summer。 网友评论