
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月06日 10:28   沪江英语




  A new tour at the film studios outside London where the Harry Potter blockbusters were shot aims to champion the "unsung heroes" -- from seamstresses to special effects wizards -- who made the movies magical for millions。




  "Warner Bros. Studio Tour - The Making of Harry Potter" opens to the public on Saturday, and organizers expect 5,000 visitors to file past the familiar sets, strange creatures and scale models every day。




  They enter through the famous Great Hall, a cavernous room with stone-like walls, real stone floors and graffiti-marked tables where students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ate their feasts and enjoyed the Yule Ball。




  Also preserved from the original films are Gryffindor Common Room, Professor Dumbledore's office, the potions classroom, Hagrid's hut, the Weasleys' kitchen and a section of the Ministry of Magic。




  "There's just so much detail in everything," said Rupert Grint, who played Harry's best friend Ron Weasley in the films。




  "I'm so happy it hasn't all been put away into storage and collected dust and forgotten about because it's something that really needs to be celebrated," he told Reuters, sitting in the Weasley kitchen。





  The output of hundreds of people working behind the camera on sets, costumes, masks and props were combined with computer-generated images in what special effects supervisor John Richardson called a unique collaboration。




  "I've worked on nine of the (James) Bond movies and they didn't have the same look or aspect or thought process, if you like, that's gone into the Potters。

  Early reviews of the attraction at Leavesden Studios just outside London have been mixed, with some criticism levelled at the ticket prices and other costs。

  Adults pay 28 pounds ($45) and children 21 pounds, and a pass for a family of four costs 83 pounds. Children under five go free, and tickets must be booked online in advance. There are tickets available for most week days over the coming months。

  Visitors also have to pay for transport -- a short train ride from London, for example, followed by a special bus service from Watford Junction, and they exit the tour through a gift shop where the most expensive item is a replica of the robes worn by Dumbledore costing 495.95 pounds ($790)。

  "Prices aside, the tour is a must-see for Potter fans and a fitting monument to the team who created Britain's most successful film franchise," said Anita Singh in the Telegraph。

  主办方预计每天将有5000人列队参观游览熟悉的布景、神奇的生物和微缩模型。 人们将从著名的大礼堂进入。在这个有着仿石墙面和真实石质地板,桌上布满涂鸦的大厅里,霍格沃茨魔法学校的学生们享受宴会大餐,举行圣诞舞会。与电影中相同的保留场景还有格兰芬多公共休息室,邓布利多教授办公室,魔药课教室,海格的小屋,韦斯莱家的厨房,和魔法部的部分布景。



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