
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月09日 11:03   沪江英语


  6. Zoo-egg-ology


  These cute, easy egg animals are fun to make for both kids and grown-ups。


  For frog: Dye egg lime green and let dry completely. Cut out a large semi-circle from green foam and two small semi-circles from white. With the black marker, draw a mouth on the green piece and dots for eyes on the white pieces. Apply craft glue to the back of the green piece and adhere to egg. Use invisible tape to hold the piece on the egg until the glue dries. Dab glue on the flat end of each eye and adhere to the top of the egg. Let dry completely。

  青蛙:用石灰绿浸染鸡蛋,然后晾干。从绿色泡沫上剪下一个大的半圆,从白色泡沫上剪下两个小的半圆。用黑色马克笔在绿色的泡沫片上画出一张嘴,在白色泡沫片上画出小点代表眼睛。在绿色泡沫片背面涂上白胶,然后粘到鸡蛋上。使用隐形胶带把鸡蛋上的泡沫片连在一起固定住直到胶水干了。轻拍 “眼睛”周围的部分让它们平整,然后粘到鸡蛋的顶端。最后等待胶水完全干透。

  For monkey: Dye egg light brown and let dry. Cut out a large circle and two small semi-circles from brown foam. With the black marker, draw a nose and mouth on the large circle. Follow the instructions for the frog to glue the circle and ears on the egg. When dry, draw eyes on the egg with the marker。





  7. Preppy Eggs


  With such a variety of beautiful patterns, grosgrain ribbon is an ideal adornment for a springtime egg。


  What to do: Dye egg desired color and let dry completely. Lay a sheet of wax paper on a hard surface. Lay a strip of ribbon longer than the circumference of the egg right side down on the wax paper. With the foam brush, cover the entire surface of the ribbon with craft glue. Be careful not to move the ribbon or you may get glue on the underside. Lay an egg at one end of the ribbon and roll until ribbon fully encircles the egg. Let the ribbon overlap the starting point about ¼ inch, and snip the end. Smooth ribbon against the egg with your fingers. Let dry。



  8. Bling Bling Eggs


  For a sparkly centerpiece, fill a glass bowl with glitter-dotted eggs。


  What to do: Dye egg desired color and let dry completely. Working with one side of the egg at a time, squeeze different size circles of glue on the egg. Holding the egg over a plate, pour glittering glue over the egg and shake off the excess (the egg will still have unwanted glitter, but don't worry about that yet). Let the egg dry and repeat on the other side of the egg. Let dry several hours at least. When completely dry, carefully brush egg with the dry bristles of an old toothbrush to remove the unwanted glitter。





  9. Have a Nice Day Eggs


  This blast from the past image is a super easy way to make your eggs happy。


  What to do:Dye eggs yellow and let dry completely. Draw faces with black marker。


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