你的萌宠排行榜上还是猫叔和俊介占据前两名位置?亲,你该更新一下你的萌主排行榜了!最近网上萌宠届最萌的新星莫过于咱中国出品的萌猫红小胖Snoopy(微博)!主人给它在新浪微博上开的账号现在的粉丝已经超过9万了! 只有一岁多的红小胖Snoopy是一只异国短毛猫(Exotic Shorthair),而这种猫也是大名鼎鼎的“加菲猫”的原型。大脸、大眼、肥嘟嘟也戳中了广大爱猫、爱动物网友的萌点! 不少被红小胖Snoopy萌到的网友纷纷表示自己也想养猫了!但是你是不是真的适合养猫呢?一个负责人的主人在养小动物之前需要看看以下几条再决定是不是真的要养猫咪哦! Are You Financially Prepared for a Cat? 你是否已经具备养猫的经济实力? If you have children, I know you want to care for them the best way you can, and a new cat will be much like having a new child in the family. This means you need to be prepared for the costs of responsibility for a cat。 如果你孩子的话,肯定想给孩子最好的照顾,而养一只猫就像家里再多养一个孩子。也就是说在经济上你要确保自己能养得起一只猫。 Are there children younger than five years old in the home? 你家里是不是有岁数低于五岁的孩子? Tots usually love kitties, but if you bring a very young kitten into your home you may find them loving it to death--literally. Alternately, the kitten could inflict some painful scratches. You'd be better off either getting an older cat that's been around children, or waiting a couple of years。 一般来说小孩子都很喜欢猫咪,但是如果你家养的还是一只特别年幼的猫仔的话,那你的孩子真的会爱它爱到死。但是小猫仔又会抓伤你年幼的孩子。所以要么你就带一只年龄大一点的猫回家,或者等几年孩子长大一些再养猫仔。 Is your place big enough for a cat? 对于猫咪来说,你家够大吗? This is a frequently asked question by readers. The easy answer is that a cat can live very comfortably, given the right conditions。 很多读者都会问这个问题。答案就是只要是在合适的环境下,你的猫咪就会住的很舒服。 Are you willing to spend the money necessary for spay/neutering, vaccinations, and veterinary care when necessary? 你是否愿意为你的猫咪支出节育、疫苗、和兽医等费用? If you're acquiring a new family member (and this is how you should view your new arrival), she will come with responsibilities and their attendant costs. You wouldn't neglect your children's health and neither will you want to neglect kitty's medical needs。 如果你打算迎接一个新的家庭成员,那么你就要为她之后可能带来的一些话费负责。你不会忽视自己孩子的健康问题,那当然也不能忽视自己猫咪的医疗需求。 网友评论