Adele is totally comfortable in her own skin, but that doesn’t mean she was against fixing the one thing that bugged her about her face. Recent photos of the 23-year-old singer suggest she got a nose job and experts agree。 “The tip of Adele’s nose is definitely more defined, which would suggest that she had a tip rhinoplasty,” Beverly Hills Plastic surgeon Renato Calabria tells us. “That consists of reshaping the lower cartllages of the nose by reducing their width and repositioning them with carefully placed sutures to give more definition. This can all be done trough a tiny incision at the base of the nose in a minimally invasive fashion to limit swelling and bruising。” Adds Triple Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Ramtin Kassir, “It does indeed look as if Adele has had a rhinoplasty. The entire nose looks smaller, the tip is more sculpted and less droopy, and the overall form of the nose flows more smoothly。” What do you think of Adele’s new look? Are you a fan of the after shots? 虽然身材丰腴但肤如凝脂、五官精致美丽的Adele无疑是个女人胚子,音乐才华了得的她不走偶像路线依旧迷死无数人。近日,有好事者找出Adele几年前的照片与她最近的照片作对比,并且指出Adele的鼻子不一样了!现在的鼻头更有棱角、鼻翼小而精致了不少。更是搬出了几位整形医师用专业的眼光研究Adele鼻子的“前世今生”,断言她一定是整过了……不管是真是假,追求美是每个人的权利,更何况Adele这种明星。无论如何,看到Adele更美大家都更开心! 网友评论