With James Cameron having converted "Titanic" to 3-D in celebration of the film's 15th anniversary, watching the new version also points up just how unnecessary such technological gimmicks are when you have a perfectly good original in the first place。 为了庆祝电影《泰坦尼克号》15周年的庆典,詹姆斯·卡梅隆已经将电影《泰坦尼克号》改编成为3D版。观看这个新版本的同时,我们发现,当你能够在一开始有一个完美的原始版本,科技噱头显得多么的没有必要。 Different people have their options for this controversial movie. Someone loves this movie, however, loathes it. As "Titanic" goes back into our lives in 3D, The Washington Post raised a great debate. It posted a vote “ Is Titanic Art or junk?” on its website. Till today, about 37% readers regard it as art, but 67% voters think it is an iceberg in the ocean of American culture. Let us see some comments。 对这部备受争议的电影,不同的人有不同的观点。有些人爱这部电影,然而,也有人讨厌它。当《泰坦尼克号》把我们的生活带到3D的世界,《华盛顿邮报》提出了一个巨大的辩题。《华盛顿邮报》在自己的网站上发起了一个投票,“到底泰坦尼克号是艺术品,还是垃圾?”截止今天,大约有37%的读者认为他是个艺术品,但是有67%的投票者认为他是美国文化海洋中的一座冰山。让我们来看看一些评论吧! Support Art: 支持是艺术: amithereyet wrote: …the richness and realism of the backdrop is a really remarkable achievement, and the film is full of the kind of telling character details that so often go missing… amithereyet写道:……电影背景的丰富性和真实性的确是一个卓越的成就,同时,这部电影对角色细节的刻画是现在越来越被忽视的…… rowunderdca wrote:…Cameron tried some of the same tricks with Avatar: the unknown culture and masks as metaphors for the pursuit of intimacy. I think it worked in Titanic but not in Avatar…。 rowunderca写道:……卡梅隆在《阿凡达》里也做了一些相同的尝试:用不同的文化和面具作为隐喻来比喻对亲密行为的追求。我认为在《泰坦尼克号》里,而不是《阿凡达》里,这个技术有成功的效果。 grobinette wrote: I enjoyed it, that is all that matters to me。 grpbinette写道:我很喜欢它,这对我来说就是最重要的。 flippycanoo wrote:…I didn't think this film was "junk" but it was "art" in the sense that it recreated an event on an epic and romantic scale。 flippycanoo写道:我不认为这个片子是“垃圾”,从某种意义上说,它是个“艺术”,它以史诗般和浪漫的视角重新创造了一个故事。 bypr54 wrote:…It is definitely not junk. It is worth watching for nothing else but the scene where the actual wreckage is brought to vivid life。 bypr54写道:……它当然不是一个垃圾。它值得去欣赏,为了去欣赏那些真正的船骸被带进生动的生活中的场面。 support Junk: 支持是垃圾: familynet wrote: I give the movie credit that it was an excellently filmed sinking scene, but the 2 hours before that...Lord, I was rooting for the iceberg to come! familynet写道: 我保证这一部拥有超群沉船情节的电影,但是在那2个小时之前…我的神啊!我盼着冰山快点过来啊! klakey1 wrote: …the whole bad movie comes across as nothing more than an exciting date at an amusement park for those two people。 Klakey1写道:…这整个烂电影除了在娱乐场所里两人令人兴奋的约会外一无所是。 curmudgeon6 wrote: Brilliant graphics and special effects can't save a poorly written plot that trivializes the larger disaster。 curmudgeon6写道:华丽的图像和特技不能够弥补一个写的很烂的故事情节,这样的情节使巨大的灾难琐碎平凡。 aristofenes wrote: All I recall is Leonardo DiCaprio yelling, "Come on, come on!" aristofenes写道:所有我能回忆起来的就是莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥大喊:“快来!快来!。” 网友评论