
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月13日 10:01   沪江英语




  Apple shares earlier today made their first foray past past the $600 billion market capitalization level before being sucked lower in the current market downturn. The stock peaked Tuesday at $644.05. Given that the company has 932.37 million shares outstanding, the stock at the peak had a valuation of $600.48 billion。

  The stock is now worth over $200 billion more thanExxon Mobil, the second-largest U.S. company in terms of market capitalization. Apple’s valuation is over $100 billion more than Microsoft and IBM – combined。

  Apple shares at today’s peak were up $239.05 for the year to date, a gain of 59%. The stock is up 67% since former CEO Steve Jobs died in early October。

  Late in the trading day Tuesday, the stock is off $4.24, or 0.7%, to $631.99.




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