Max Headroom: Network 23 In a futuristic world where TV networks had replaced governments, Network 23 boasted Edison Carter -- and his computer-generated alter ego, Max Headroom -- the only journalist willing to take on the system。 在未来世界,电视公司取代了政府。23号电视台自诩拥有埃迪森•卡特和他电脑合成的“另一个自己”麦克斯•海德鲁姆,他们是唯一敢对抗新制度的记者。
Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 Does 23 cause the bitchiness in this case? Or are we reading too much into an address? 是数字23的魔力导致这个女人如此贱吗?或者我们解读的过头了?
Lost: The Numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 -- These six little numbers pretty much ruled the world. And 23 was arguably the most important, being the number connected to Lost's central character, Jack。 4,8,15,16,23,42——这六个数字实际上控制着整个世界,而23据信是最重要的一个,因为这个数字与核心角色杰克有关。
Spaced: A House on Meteor Street Tim and Daisy were two single acquaintances who pretended to be a couple in order to get an apartment. The apartment was in a building located at 23 Meteor Street。 蒂姆和黛西是为了得到一间公寓而装成情侣的普通朋友。这间公寓位于流星街23号的一栋楼里。
Chuck: Sarah's Spy Apartment Remember where Sarah Walker lived before she moved in with Chuck? Her home (with silver wallpaper and a green door) was apartment 832 in the Maison 23 luxury complex。 记得莎拉•沃克尔搬去查克家前住的地方吗?她的家(银色墙纸绿色门的那个)在梅森23号豪华公寓的832号房间。
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Outpost 23 In the season 4 episode of ST:TNG, "Future Imperfect," Commander Riker seemed to experience life 16 years in the future. Riker believed for awhile that this was a trap, meant to give the Romulans the location of the key Federation Outpost 23. The truth was actually more complicated than that。 在第四季“不完美的未来”一集中,指挥官莱克似乎穿越到了16年后。他起先以为是个圈套,目的是给罗慕伦人透露至关重要的联邦哨站23号的位置。后来发现真相要复杂的多。
Smallville: The Distance to Krypton According to Kara in the season 7 episode named after her, Krypton was located 23 galaxies away from Earth。 据卡拉在第七季以她名字命名的一集中说的,氪星距离地球有23个星系远。
One Tree Hill: Basketball Jerseys and More 23 was Nathan Scott's jersey number. And then it showed up everywhere -- in tattoos, on rocks, wherever。 23是内森•斯科特的球衣号码,另外还反复出现在纹身、石头等各个地方。
Fringe: The Victims of a Serial Killer We can count on Fringe to be hip to significant numbers. So it's no surprise that a serial killer would claim 23 victims (in season 4's "One Night in October") 《危机边缘》这种剧是不可能放过这么重要的数字的。所以,你看到某连环杀手杀害了23个人时(第四季“十月某晚”"One Night in October"一集中),应该并不惊讶。
Seinfeld: Level Purple 23 When the gang got hopelessly lost in a parking garage (season 3's "The Parking Garage"), Kramer hid his new and heavy air conditioner on level Purple 23. Not that this made it easier to find later。 当一帮人在某个停车楼里晕头转向找不到出口时(第三季的“停车楼” "The Parking Garage"一集),克雷默把新买的沉甸甸的空调藏在了紫色23层。当然后来他返回来找时,这也没让寻找变得更容易。 网友评论