
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月16日 10:08   沪江英语




  Dogs. What are they good for?


  Let’s just agree that they’re pretty darn amazing, and perhaps more importantly, better than a boyfriend—especially some of those icky ones out there (apologies to the good ones; you know who you are)。


  5. Dogs Don’t Care if You’ve Put on Some Weight


  That’s right. They don’t. They just love you, unconditionally. In fact, they might just enjoy a little more of you to snuggle up to. Basically, as long as you feed them, pet them, take them for walks and love them right back, your dog is going to think you are the Queen of the World—regardless of whether you’re a size 0 or a size 22.


  4. Dogs Never Cheat


  There’s no need to dig through their stuff for secret love notes. And you’re never going to come home to find him snuggled up to your hot next door neighbor (well, maybe, but it doesn’t mean anything). Dogs are supremely loyal to their masters. They’ll do anything to protect you. Now that’s what we call special。


  3. Dogs Never Come Home Drunk


  In fact, going to the pub and having a drink would be hazardous to their health. Dogs would rather be by your side, anyway. All. The. Time. That’s why they howl and croon about their loneliness when you banish them to the backyard or the laundry room at night (although men do that also)。


  2. They Love to Snuggle


  Dogs have no hidden agenda or ulterior motives while snuggling. Most dogs (let’s face it, all dogs) would snuggle with you practically all day long if you’d let them. But then again, who wouldn’t want to snuggle up with the Queen of the World?


  1. Dogs Are Always Happy to See You


  If we’re going to be super honest, happy isn’t quite the word. Dogs are actually ecstatic to see you. It doesn’t matter if you just stepped out for a quick errand or went on a seven-day vacation; your dog will always do a little dance of excitement and jump all over you upon your return. How many men do that?




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