短信防治抑郁症:今天你收到关心了吗?(图) A Californian psychologist claims that the 140-character messages can be a useful tool for healing depression and other mental disorders. [Agencies]
A Californian psychologist claims that the 140-character messages can be a useful tool for healing depression and other mental disorders, the Daily Mail reported。 Patients who use SMS messages to stay in touch with doctors feel better, and generally feel happier。 "When I was in a difficult situation and I received a message, I felt much better. I felt cared for and supported. My mood even improved," reported one Spanish-speaking patient at San Francisco General Hospital. 发短信可以治疗抑郁症 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一名来自美国加利福尼亚州的心理学家表示,发140字的短信对于治疗抑郁症和其它精神疾病是一个很有用的方法。 与医生用发短信的方式来联系,患者会感到更舒服,也更加开心。 一名来自美国旧金山总医院的西班牙裔病人表示:“当我处境十分糟糕时,如果我收到了短信,我会感觉好很多。我能够感受到他人对我的关心和支持。我的心情就好多了。” 网友评论