JK罗琳开写哈利波特百科全书 收入捐赠慈善机构Four years ago the British writer took an independent U.S. publisher to court to stop its plans for a reference book on the world of the fictional boy wizard, saying it constituted a "rip off" of her work.On her re-vamped website, Rowling addressed the question of a Harry Potter encyclopaedia in a "frequently asked questions and rumours" link。 "For a long time I have been promising an encyclopaedia of Harry's world, and I have started work on this now," said the 46-year-old, whose announcements related to Harry Potter are closely followed by millions of fans。 "Some of it forms the new content in Pottermore."Pottermore, a free website allowing visitors to navigate the stories and discover new content not in the original books, is one of several Potter spin-offs following the completion of the seven-novel series。 The novels have sold more than 400 million copies worldwide and spawned a hit eight-movie film franchise that have helped turn Rowling into the world's most successful author."It is likely to be a time-consuming job, but when finished I shall donate all royalties to charity," Rowling added。 She again addressed the most burning question for die-hard followers of Potter and his pals at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry -- would there ever be another Harry Potter story? "I have always refused to say 'never' to this question, because I think it would be foolish to rule out something I might want to do in a few years' time," she wrote."However, I have no immediate plans to write another Harry Potter novel, and I do think that I have rounded off Harry's story in the seven published books." Earlier this month, Rowling announced the title of her first book for adults would be "The Casual Vacancy". It goes on sale on September 27. 【新闻快讯】日前,“哈利·波特之母”J·K·罗琳宣布其首部为成年读者创作的长篇小说《临时空缺》将于9月27日全球发售。脱下了奇幻的魔法外套,新书将以黑色幽默的手法,讲述表面平静的英国田园小镇中,其实暗藏着种种冲突,充满悬疑的情节中蕴含引人深思的命题。但同时罗琳也并没有放弃《哈利波特》系列。 罗琳表示她将会撰写哈利波特的百科,并将版费捐赠给慈善机构。其实在这之前就已有热心的粉丝自发整理了“哈利波特百科全书”,但相信罗琳的百科会比粉丝们的更有料,在大家熟悉的Pottermore网站有很多原著故事的细节。没有哈利的魔法学校也依旧让人很期待。 网友评论