
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月19日 13:39   沪江英语

  Time magazine released its annual list of the 100 "Most Influential People in the World" on Wednesday. Among them: Barack Obama; Mitt Romney; Hillary Clinton; Warren Buffett; Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge; Pippa Middleton; Tim Tebow; Jeremy Lin and Matt Lauer。


  Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks starting point guard, is an individual that many children can aspire to be alike, according to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan who lauded the ball player for being one of the world's most influential persons. In the article, the secretary of education said kids can learn a great lesson from the injured Knicks point guard who graduated from Harvard University。


  "Jeremy Lin's story is a great lesson for kids everywhere because it debunks and defangs so many of the prejudices and stereotypes that unfairly hold children back. He's dispelled the idea that Asian-American guards somehow couldn't hack it in the NBA -- and that being a world-class athlete on the court is somehow at odds with being an excellent student off the court." Duncan wrote。


  "It's great to see good values rewarded in professional sports because that's not always the case," Duncan said in the Time report. "Often it's the bling, the glam, the individual that gets celebrated -- not the team and working together to advance a goal bigger than oneself."


  Lin's teammates seemed to be proud of the budding basketball star, while Lin remained humble about the recognition by tweeting, "Now I'm blushing."




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