
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月25日 10:39   中国网
cooling your hand palms increases the capacity for exercisecooling your hand palms increases the capacity for exercise

  U.S researchers have found cooling your hand palms increases the capacity for exercise, the Daily Mail reported.

  The team from Stanford University, California, studied the effect in a group of obese women aged 30 to 45 following an exercise program. All were asked to work out with their hands in a bottle of water at different temperatures. For half of the 24 women, the water was at 16C while for the other half the temperature was raised to the normal body temperature level of 37C.

  Over a period of three months the women with cooled hands lost almost 3 inches off their waists, lowered their blood pressure and increased their exercise heart rate. Those whose hands were kept at body temperature showed no such improvements.






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