
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月27日 10:53   沪江英语

  In this poem some words have been substituted by homophones - words with the same sound but different spelling. It proves that computer spelling checkers are not infallible!

  Eye Halve a Spelling Chequer

  Eye halve a spelling chequer

  It came with my pea sea

  It plainly marques four my revue

  Miss steaks eye kin knot sea。

  Eye strike a quay and type a word

  And weight four it two say

  Weather eye am wrong oar write

  It shows me strait a weigh。

  As soon as a mist ache is maid

  It nose bee fore two long

  And eye can put the error rite

  Its really ever wrong。

  Eye halve run this poem threw it

  I am shore your pleased two no

  Its letter perfect in it's weigh

  My chequer tolled me sew。

  Correct English version

  I have a spelling checker

  It came with my PC

  It plainly marks for my review

  Mistakes I cannot see

  I strike a key and type a word

  And wait for it to say

  Whether I am wrong or right

  It shows me straight away

  As soon as a mistake is made

  It knows before too long

  And I can put the error right

  It’s rarely ever wrong

  I have run this poem through it

  I am sure you’re pleased to know

  It’s letter perfect in its way

  My checker told me so




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