
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月02日 16:33   沪江英语
The Temple of HeavenThe Temple of Heaven

  Today was one of those “but wait, there’s more!” days, because everywhere we went there was always another stop on the itinerary, and they were all great. From Lunch we walked through Tientan Park and saw the awesome Temple of Heaven. Lesson learned, everything is bigger here than it looks in pictures. Especially on the nice sunny day we had, it looked really spectacular, and you nearly forgot that the chaos of Beijing was just meters away。


The Summer PalaceThe Summer Palace

  An hour commute (which in Beijing commuter minutes is a really short drive) brought us to the Summer Palace. I had always thought this was outside of Beijing, as when they say in the guidebook it’s more than an hour from the city centre, you assume it’s out in the burbs. But as I was coming to learn, Beijing is so expansive that to get to the burbs you have to practically get to Korea。


  Instead of spreading up, like so many major metropolises, it spread out, and as far as the eye can see from the highest point you can get to, it’s still central Beijing. Back to that “everything’s bigger in China” thing. It’s hard to wrap my brain around just how giant this place is, and how many people are here, but I’m trying。


  The Summer Palace, the tranquil garden escape of the “Dragon Lady”, is incredible. She may have been domineering and ruthless as she took over the Empire, but she did build a pretty sweet garden oasis. The fifteen foot stone walls really do keep the outside world out, and if you didn’t see the telecom tower in the background, you’d think you really were away from it all in another world。


The Summer PalaceThe Summer Palace

  Vast, beautifully landscaped, with a giant lake, rolling hills and pagodas lurking off in the mist more classical buildings and pedal boats that would be a fun way to explore if it had been warmer。


  The highlights here are the sprawling riverside corridor covered hundreds of detailed paintings, each one different, and the marble boat, a gaudy, immobile boat used for the sole purpose of sitting in and sipping tea. The ultimate display of self indulgence. Personally, I would have added a slide。



  At 5 we were deposited back at the hotel. It had been a long day of sightseeing, but an incredible one, and we were all more excited and energetic than tired, bouncing around like caffinated hamsters. I set off for a little shopping, as I had an hour and a half to kill before meeting with the local Chinese sales rep I deal with all the time, and a giant shopping mall to explore。


  Moving as fast as possible I hit up all the stores, only to discover China doesn’t carry my shoe size except in Men’s, at Sephora it’s easy to have an entire conversation with a sales clerk using nothing but hand signals to bridge the language barrier, and that I love tacky souvenirs so much that I chose to save my cash for them rather than spend it here on any of the actual functional stuff。


  Now that’s what I call a good day. Tomorrow, the Wall!


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