凡是来到巴西 Laguna 海滨的游客都会看到这样的神奇景象,当地的渔民依赖海豚来帮助捕鱼。最新研究发现当地约有20只海豚能够与人类合作捕鱼,而其他海豚群体则不然。人们尚不了解为什么只有这一群海豚会选择与人类合作。 A visitor might stumble upon a strange sight in Laguna, Brazil, if they went down to the shore. Here, the local fishermen rely on dolphins to help them with their yearly fish catch。 New research has found that just one local group of about 20 dolphins works with the fishermen, while the other local dolphins don't cooperate, finding other sources of food. The researchers aren't sure what separates these groups。 dolphins work together to herd groups of mullet
据科学家了解,鲻鱼是当地的主要渔业资源,也是海豚和渔民的主要捕猎对象。海豚会先驱赶鱼群到渔船周围或至齐膝深的水域。之后,海豚摆动头部或尾部向渔民发出撒网的信号。在当地大约有200名渔民都依靠海豚捕鱼,渔民和海豚联系密切,形成了稳定的合作关系。 Scientists had known that dolphins work together to herd groups of mullet, a fish that's an important source of food for local fishermen, toward a line of fishermen in boats or knee-deep water. Then the dolphins signal with specialized head or tail slaps when and where the fishermen should throw their nets. The cooperation is helpful to both parties, researchers said. The two wouldn't survive without each other。 "About 200 local artisanal fishermen are almost entirely reliant on the dolphins for catching their fish," study researcher Fábio Daura-Jorge, of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in Brazil, wrote in a statement sent to LiveScience. "The fishermen do not fish without the assistance of the dolphins and know the individual animals from their natural marks and can recognize them by eye." 来源: Livescience 网友评论