
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月04日 09:50   沪江英语


  A dentist pulled out all her ex-boyfriend’s teeth after he dumped her for another woman – who has now left him because he is toothless。


  Anna Mackowiak, 34, is facing jail after taking her revenge on 45-year-old Marek Olszewski when he turned up at her surgery with toothache just days after breaking up with her。


  She gave him a heavy dose of anaesthetic and plucked his teeth out. She then wrapped his head and jaw in a bandage to stop him opening his mouth and said there had been complications and he would need to see a specialist。


  The dentist, who works in Wroclaw, Poland, said: ‘I tried to be professional and detach myself from my emotions. 'But when I saw him lying there I just thought, "What a b******".'


  Mr Olszewski said: 'I knew something was wrong because when I woke up I couldn’t feel any teeth and my jaw was strapped up with bandages.She told me my mouth was numb and I wouldn’t be able to feel anything for a while and that the bandage was there to protect the gums, but that I would need to see a specialist。


  'I didn’t have any reason to doubt her, I mean I thought she was a professional. 'But when I got home I looked in the mirror and couldn’t f****** believe it. The b**** had emptied my mouth。


  'The new girlfriend has now left me saying she can’t be with a man without teeth. And I’m going to have to pay a fortune on getting indents or something.’


  Mackowiak is being investigated for medical malpractice and abusing the trust of a patient. She could face three years in jail。




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