GAGA香港演唱会众星捧场:劲爆现场图片(组图)The Born This Way Ball
Lady GaGa在港举行的首场世界巡唱《The Born This Way Ball》,2日晚在香港亚洲博览馆Arena正式举行,吸引近一万三千多名“小怪物”到场朝圣。演唱会原定于晚上七点三十分开始,但结果迟了一小时,八时三十分才正式开始。不过粉丝毫无生气。以异形造型现身的GaGa由以士兵打扮的舞蹈员护送下骑独角兽道具马匹进场,在古堡对出的U形天桥上兜圈,立即惹来全场起哄,并以《Government Hooker》一曲打头阵。 A bra made of guns, a see-through latex number, a motorbike as a piano, the meat dress. There’s nothing underwhelming about Lady Gaga live, and it’s almost best summed up by the absurd extravagance of her costumes and sets。 An unrivalled spectacle, of course, was always expected. And so, on cue, the reigning Queen of global pop delivered, emerging from the pregnant belly of a sprawling castle façade, beneath an immense gleaming pink neon diamond prop. As she ripped through her massive catalogue of hits – Born This Way, Poker Face, Love Game, Paparazzi and Telephone among them, Lady Gaga’s first of four sold-out arena shows here in Hong Kong was significantly powered by glitz and glamour, a massive troupe of energetic, flair-brimming dancers, horsemen encircling the extended catwalk stage and props galore。 But for all the entertaining façade, beneath the plethora of ostentatious costumes and sets, there was a strange hint of robotocism about the Lady herself, about her millisecond perfect choreography, pitch-perfect vocal gymnastics and hyper-energy. Even when she improvised elements slipped into the night – like when ‘Ra Ra Ah Ah’ in Bad Romance became ‘Ra Ra Ho-ong Ko-ong’), there was a hint of over rehearsal about it。 Not that many in the crowd would care. The Mother Monster was in their midst – and in essence, she delivered everything any Lady Gaga fan could hope for – including a bra made of guns。 The Born This Way Ball
Lady GaGa昨晚在亚洲博览馆开唱,之前跻身扑票热潮的一众艺人,纷纷与大班友人入场朝圣、狂欢,当中包括刘嘉玲、郑裕玲、任达华夫妇、谢婷婷、孟瑶、陈奕迅一家、马德钟一家、张智霖夫妇、叶童夫妇、任贤齐夫妇、钟镇涛夫妇等等。蔡卓妍(阿Sa)一早买了4张票捧场,可惜因工作不能迁就,变了一场欢喜一场空!昨日阿Sa到之声接受薛家燕访问时说:“因为没有时间的关系,最后不可以去欣赏,只好原价将一些票让给了朋友,自己都觉得好可惜。” 提到男友陈伟霆也买到了8张票,阿Sa说:“是吗?我不知道呢,但他都要拍戏,应该不会去看的。”另外,怀孕的杨千嬅昨日在微博大叹想去看GaGa的演唱会,可惜被老公阻止:“很想去看演唱会,丁生不允许,被困家中,他自己去看了。”而单人看GaGa演唱会的丁子高,笑言会“全程直击”,让杨千嬅在家“欣赏”。谢婷婷笑言母亲狄波拉也有票在手,但母亲担心被汹涌人潮“踩死”,遂叫谢婷婷先前来试探“军情”。虽然GaGa演唱会被指意识不良,不过家长如陈奕迅、马德钟都没有在怕,带同子女进场,直接亲身作家长指引! Lady GaGa分别在本月2、3、5及7日在港举行演唱会,一向造型特出的她特别找来多位著名意大利设计师设计夸张舞台服饰,当中运用不少特别材料如乳胶、金属、塑料及PVC等,制成多件别具风格的战衣与多款不同乐器的饰物。舞台设计方面,则以“王国”作为概念,由设计师Mark Fisher负责设计,特别建造一座50英尺高的巨型城堡,当中有30道活动门窗及两道大闸,每个房间更会因应不同的歌曲展示出不同的图案。而香港的舞台更会特别划出一个名为“The Monster Pit”的区域,供悉心打扮到场的粉丝近距离支持偶像。但因场地问题,台北、马尼拉及新加坡不会有此设计。 The Born This Way Ball
演唱会曲目: Highway Unicorn Government Hooker Born This Way Bloody Mary Bad Romance Judas Fashion of His Love Just Dance Love Game Telephone Heavy Metal Lover Bad Kids Hair You & I Electric Chapel Americano Poker Face Alejandro Paparazzi Scheibe Black Jesus The Edge of Glory Marry The Night The Born This Way Ball
The Born This Way Ball
The Born This Way Ball