
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月04日 13:36   沪江英语

  At first, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge welcomed Prince Harry to Kensington Palace. Harry and his older brother, Prince William, have always been close, so it seems natural for Harry to share the expansive London estate that Will and Kate Middleton call home。


  In late March, Harry, 27, moved his belongings out of Prince Charles' home and into a one-bedroom apartment in the main building of Kensington Palace. From there, it's only a short walk to Nottingham Cottage, where Will, 29, and Kate, 30, reside。


  But Harry has been making a habit of barging in on the couple — who will celebrate their first anniversary on April 29 — whenever he feels like it。


  "Harry's only been there a few weeks and he's already driving them nuts," discloses a close pal. "A few nights ago, he got home late and wanted to sit up and talk over several bottles of beer."


  Kate has tried to be patient about the late-night visits but she's gotten fed up with all the brotherly bonding. Says the pal: "She told Wills he had to do something about his brother."


  But it's hard to turn Harry away because he's been a little lonely since his 2010 breakup with Chelsea Davy. He's recently spent time with pop star Mollie King, and Will and Kate are hoping it gets serious... so they can get some peace and quiet。

  但把小哈里“打发走”可不是什么易事,自从2010年与切尔西·大卫(Chelsea Davy)分手后哈里就一直是个可怜的小单身汉。他最近搭上了流行乐手莫莉·金(Mollie King),威廉与凯特真心希望这事儿能成……这样两口子就能重新过上平静祥和的生活。



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