
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月04日 15:16   新浪教育
Countess of WessexCountess of Wessex

  The Countess of Wessex in 1993 looking older than her 28 years. 

Countess of WessexCountess of Wessex

  The Countess attends the Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey earlier this year looking more polished and at ease with herself than ever before。

Anna ChancellorAnna Chancellor

  Anna Chancellor in 'Four Weddings and A Funeral' with Hugh Grant in 1994, aged 29.

Anna ChancellorAnna Chancellor

  Chancellor , now 47, is as arresting as ever in David Hare and Terence Rattigan's South Downs/The Browning Version double bill, which is showing at Harold Pinter Theatre in the West End。


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