
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月04日 15:23   新浪教育
24K Nike24K Nike

  Designer Kenneth Courtney, in collaboration with the late Tobias Wong in 2005, created a pair of limited edition Nike shoes。

  What makes these shoes worth a mention? Well, these limited edition Nike sneakers have been reported to be dipped in 24K gold, and after seven years the pair is still waiting to be scooped up by a thriftless, extravagant spender。

  With a name fit for the shoe, ‘Indulgences No. 5’ is a gold-dipped Nike Dunk High sneakers, created as part of the “Ju$t Another Rich Kid’s gold Indulgences series”, Generate Design wrote。

  Pricing is unavailable, but how wearable do you think the shoe is? Are they too precious to even wear?




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