求职第四个月最艰难:撑下去你就成功了You may start feeling down as time passes by during your job hunt. After all, there are only so many rejections that one can take right? 在求职的过程中,随着时间的不断推移,你会开始变得情绪低落。是不是每个人在接受拒绝时都有一个极限呢? Well, a new study led by a University of Minnesota psychologist says you should keep your head up. The research found that the 76 percent who kept a go-getter attitude during the job hunt found a job after four months。 明尼苏达大学的心理学家们的一项最新研究表明,求职者在心情烦闷、不断受挫的时候更应该抬头挺胸、保持信心。该研究发现,那些拥有积极心态的求职者,在求职四个月后,有76%的人找到了工作。 "Searching for a job isn't like learning a skill, where maintaining a positive attitude may be easier as you see improvement with effort," says psychologist Ruth Kanfer, one of the researchers in the study. "Beyond landing a job, you get almost no feedback." Ruth是参与该研究的一位心理学家,他说,“找工作和学习技能是不同的。想在求职的过程中保持积极的心态要更加困难,因为学习技能,你可以看到自己的进步,这就有利于你增加信心。而找工作则不然,你可能付出了很多努力,却没有得到任何回应。” The harder you work at staying positive, the more effort you'll put into the job hunt. The study found that by the fourth month of job searching, participants decreased the time they spent looking for jobs. They went from initially dedicating 17 hours per week to 14 hours a week. It's natural to get a bit discouraged, but keep in mind that as long as you keep at it, the higher your chances will be of scoring a job! 你越是想要努力地保持乐观,你在求职中就需要花费更多的努力。研究发现,在求职第四个月的时候,参与者花在求职上的时间从一开始每周17个小时下降到了每周14个小时。感到受挫是自然反应,但是记住,你越坚持,就越有希望找到工作! 网友评论