
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月07日 16:23   沪江英语

  在新概念英语中我们学到了一个很形象的词组:a skeleton in cupboard,指的是家丑。俗话说得好,家丑不可外扬,小编不谈家丑,咱们来关注下美国政治史上的五大总统丑闻。


  5. The Whiskey Ring 威士忌环丑闻

  Ulysses S. Grant's presidency is often considered to be one of the most corrupt in history, and with good reason, as two major scandals took place during his presidency. The second was the Whiskey Ring scandal, involving a bribery and tax evasion scandal among many high ranking members of his cabinet (and even his own private secretary). It resulted in the impeachment of his secretary of war, William Belknap, although he resigned before he could be convicted。



  4. Iran-Contra 伊朗门

  Iran-Contra is one of the biggest scandals to rock the presidency in modern times. When news that the Reagan administration was not only selling arms to Iran but using the profits to secretly fund the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, It caused a firestorm throughout the country. Admiral John M. Poindexter and Lt. Colonel Oliver North became the major targets of the scandal and became embroiled in lengthy trials. Fourteen other persons charged criminally in the whole affair. The scandal continues to be a black mark upon the Reagan presidency for many。

  伊朗门是近代最为轰动的总统丑闻。当人们得知里根政府不仅向伊朗出售武器,甚至还利用获得的利润偷偷资助在尼拉加瓜的反叛军时,整个国家掀起了一场轩然大波。海军上将John M. Poindexter和中校Oliver North成为了众矢之的,他们两人不得不接受冗长的审判。而在整个事件中,还有其他14个人受到了法律控告。这次的丑闻也变成了里根总统任期中的巨大污点。


  3. Teapot Dome 蒂波特山丑闻

  The Teapot Dome scandal of the Warren G. Harding administration has long been one of the poster boys of the world of presidential scandals. Harding transferred control of naval oil reserve lands over to the Department of the Interior in 1921 (although it was later reversed by the Supreme Court, who ruled the move illegal). Then Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall used his new power for personal gain, giving rights to the Teapot Dome Reserve in Wyoming to the Mammoth Oil company in return for bribes. When the scandal broke in 1924 he was found to have accumulated over $100,000 worth of bribes from the Mammoth Oil Company. Although Harding had already died in office prior to the scandal breaking, it became a hot topic of controversy for years after his death and continues to plague his now infamous legacy。

  沃伦·G·哈定政府的蒂波特山丑闻也是美国历史上非常出名的丑闻之一。在1921年,哈定将海军油田从美国海军的名下转移到内政部的名下(虽然最后此次所有权转移被最高法院认定为非法并撤销)。内政部长Albert B. Fall滥用职权,在收受贿赂后将俄亥俄州的蒂波特山保留地的使用权卖给了猛犸石油公司。在1924年丑闻暴露后,人们发现这位内政部长已经从猛犸石油公司收受了总价值超过十万的贿赂。尽管丑闻是在哈定死后6个月才曝光,但在之后的几年,蒂波特山丑闻仍然引起了公众对哈定总统的巨大争议。同时,蒂波特山丑闻也另人们对总统遗产的来历产生了怀疑。


  2. Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky 比尔克林顿和莱温斯基

  Perhaps no other scandal in presidential history can equal the Monica Lewinsky affair for pure sensationalism and absurdity. President Bill Clinton's sexual affair with an intern ultimately led to the second presidential impeachment in the history of the country (the first was that of Andrew Johnson in 1868). Although Clinton was ultimately acquitted of any crime, the affair became a laughing stock around the world and led to one of the most unusual documents in political history: the Starr Report, which intimately and often graphically described Clinton's entire sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsy。



  1. Watergate 水门事件

  There may be many scandals in the annals of United States presidential history, but none can compare for sheer impact with that of the Watergate scandal under the presidency of Richard M. Nixon. It beginning with a break-in at the Democratic headquarters stationed in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. by five members of Nixon's re-election campaign. Although not initially involved Nixon found out about the break-in and did everything he did to cover up the scandal. When he was ultimately found out the news shocked the nation and led to a grand disillusionment with the American political system. It has also led to just about every subsequent presidential scandal, both large and small, gaining the suffix "gate."




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