无法控制自己放屁:悲催希特勒病史被拍卖(图)![]() Adolf Hitler farted uncontrollably, used cocaine to clear his sinuses, ingested some 28 drugs at a time, and received injections of bull testicle extracts to bolster his libido, his medical records have shown。 Discovery News reported that these records, now up for auction in the US, includes x-rays of the dictator's skull, EEG test results, and sketches of his nose interior. The medical reports are expected to fetch as much as US$2,000 each。 (点击探索频道新闻网查看原文) 医疗记录显示,阿道夫·希特勒无法控制自己放屁、使用可卡因清理鼻窦、曾同时摄入28种药物、还接受注射牛睾丸提取物来提高性欲。 据探索频道新闻网报道,目前这些医疗记录正在美国拍卖,包括这名独裁者头部X光片、脑电图结果,以及鼻腔图。这些记录的拍卖金额预计可达2000美元。 网友评论