A woman in Shenzhen was told her "prostate was healthy" as her medical result showed, Shenzhen Economic Daily reported。 Zou suffered bellyache on May 2 and went to Guangsheng Hospital in Bao'an District, Shenzhen, for a check-up. But her B-type ultrasonic sonography shows that her "prostate was healthy." Under authorities' pressure, the hospital later admitted fabricating her report based on the template of a male patient, and offered a 5,000-yuan compensation in addition to refunding her the 700-yuan medical expenses。 据《深圳商报》报道,深圳一名女子的医疗报告竟然显示她“前列腺正常”。 5月2日,邹女士因腹痛,前往深圳宝安区广生医院检查。但她的B超报告显示她“前列腺正常”。 受到上级单位的压力,该医院后来承认,她的报告系根据某男性患者的检测结果为模板,捏造所致。医院同意退还了她700元的医疗费,并给予5000元补偿。 网友评论