
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月08日 14:37   中国网
Large plant-eating sauropods may have been the culprits for the extinction of the dinosaurs because of the greenery they consumed. [uux.cn]  Large plant-eating sauropods may have been the culprits for the extinction of the dinosaurs because of the greenery they consumed. [uux.cn]

  Dinosaurs may be partly to blame for a change in climate because they created so much flatulence, according to leading scientists, the Daily Mail reported. Professor Graeme Ruxton of St. Andrews University, Scotland, said large plant-eating sauropods would have been the main culprits because of the huge amounts of greenery they consumed。

  One of the animals, a 90-ton argentinosaurus, which measured 140 feet in length, would have consumed at least half a ton of food in one day。

  The team calculated the animals would have collectively produced more than 520 million tons of methane a year – more than all today's modern sources put together. It is thought these huge amounts could easily have been enough to warm the planet. It is even possible that the climate change was so catastrophic that it caused the dinosaurs' eventual demise。






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