“小强”练成笔记:求职路上如何越挫越勇(图)A recent study revealed that staying positive on your job hunt ensures you a better chance of scoring a job. Staying upbeat in the face of multiple rejections can be quite tough — here are a couple of ways to cope: 最新的一项调查显示,在求职的过程中,保持积极的心态能够增加求职成功的机会。在几次被拒之后,还要保持乐观的确不容易做到,下面教你一些方法让你可以“屡败屡战”: 少和悲观的人接触
Avoid talking to negative people。 少和悲观的人接触。 You need all the cheerleading you can get, so try not to talk to those who have lost all hope and are trying to get you to feel the same way. Misery loves company and spending time with negative people can influence how you feel as well。 你需要的是能激励你的人,所以对于那些对什么都不抱有希望,还企图让你和他们一样悲观的人,你要尽量避免和他们接触。悲观的人总希望别人也和他们一样,如果你总是和这些人在一起的话,你也就免不了要受到这种悲观情绪的影响。 锻炼
Work out。 锻炼。 When you're unemployed, working out will help you stay positive. The endorphins released during your workout are known to boost moods and the overall well-being of a person. Studies have shown that working out also gives you more energy, which is essential during your job hunt。 失业的时候,锻炼会有助于你保持积极的心态。当你在锻炼的时候,大脑中会产生一种脑内啡的物质,可以提高人的情绪及精神状态。研究表明,锻炼会使人精力充沛,而这在求职的过程中也是非常重要的。 早起
Wake up early。 早起。 Retract the shades on your window so you'll be waking up to the sunrise every day, or set an alarm clock that will get you up at an early hour. Just because you don't have to clock into an office in the morning doesn't mean you should sleep in. In fact, researchers from Roehampton University found that people who get up earlier have happier and healthier lives than those who sleep in. Develop healthy sleep habits for a better mood。 把窗户弄干净,这样每天太阳升起的时候,你就能醒过来。或者给自己定一个闹铃,提醒自己要早起。即使你现在不需要早起工作,不意味着你可以睡懒觉。事实上,罗汉普顿大学的研究发现,早起的人比那些睡懒觉的人要活得更开心更健康。现在就开始养成良好的作息习惯吧,你的心情也会跟着好起来的。 网友评论