盘点十大碉堡了的好莱坞明星雷人怪癖(组图)![]() While everyone is busy doing their respective errands and other responsibilities at home in order to meet the demands of life, there are people who have everything in the world but they have other aims in life that they want to fulfill. In fact, most of the people who are thinking of the weirdest stuff in their life are the ones who have so much time, energy, and money to spend in order to attain the other half of their wishes and whims. On this list, you would know that aside from fame and richness, they have other collections and passions that might seem odd to。 当我们还在为各自事业忙忙碌碌、为养家糊口打拼生活时,有些人却已拥有世上值得艳羡的一切,追求起生活中的其他乐趣。而且,这种异想天开的人大(微博)都有足够的时间、精力和金钱来满足自己的奇思怪想。下面你将了解到,除了名气和财富,名人富人还有其他看起来怪异的癖好。 10. Barbie Collection of Johnny Depp 约翰尼·德普:收集芭比娃娃 Johnny Depp revealed that before, he had a strong passion of collecting Barbie dolls and playing with them. Before it could shock you and conclude that he has identity issues, he was just doing it for his kids. He did not deny it. In fact, others may find it weird, which questions his masculinity. Definitely, he knows that he is a straight guy。 约翰尼·德普曾透露说,他特喜欢收集和摆弄芭比娃娃。不过,你可别震惊失色,怀疑德普有性别认同问题,他表示这其实是在为自己小孩收集。尽管有人觉得奇怪,认为德普有点“娘”,但德普知道自己可绝对是个纯爷们。 ![]() 9. World of Warcraft Addict, Mila Kunis 米拉·库妮丝:超爱玩《魔兽世界》 You might think that Johnny Depp could have been engrossed with the World of Warcraft but shockingly, it’s Mila Kunis. Women in general are known for their girly passion and fashion but she actually disclosed that she had to quit playing at some point because she had felt the effect of the World of Warcraft in her. At least, she was able to recognize earlier that everything in excess is too much。 你可能觉得,约翰尼·德普爱玩《魔兽世界》还差不多。可大跌眼镜的是,好莱坞性感大荧幕人气王米拉·库妮丝很爱玩《魔兽世界》。女性一般都斯文爱美,米拉则不同。她透露说,有段时间《魔兽世界》让她有点走火入魔,所以不得不戒掉。幸好她能及早明白,任何东西过于沉溺都会成为祸害。 ![]() 8. Knitting for David Arquette 大卫·阿奎特:恋上编织 Another common hobby that everyone expects from a domesticated type of woman is knitting, after all the household chores have been completed and done. It’s different from David Arquette because he loves knitting. He actually got this kind of hobby from his grandmother and he even gave a knitted scarf that he personally made to his ex-wife Courtney Cox, which did not work for her。 家务忙完后,人们常见家庭主妇做编织活儿,这是她们的另一爱好。但《惊声尖叫》男星大卫·阿奎特也喜欢编织。其实,他是从祖母那儿学来的,曾经还给前妻考特妮·考克斯织过一条围巾,可惜这也没能把她留在身边。 ![]() 7. Climbing Trees for Simon Cowell 西蒙·考威尔:酷爱爬树 Aside from the strong and straightforward personality that he possesses, he loves climbing up the tree. He might have been known for his annoying and sarcastic comments when he was still part of American Idol as one of its original judges. Hence, instead of doing a regular workout, he finds it refreshing and rejuvenating to climb up trees。 资深音乐人西蒙·考威尔为人硬朗直爽,喜爱爬树。人们或许都知道,西蒙担任过《美国偶像》的评委,评语毒舌而刻薄。除了正常锻炼,西蒙觉得爬树也很带劲,让他神清气爽。 ![]() 6. The Crawling Insects for Claudia Schiffer 克劳蒂亚·雪佛:喜欢爬虫 Women are vain in its deepest sense of the word. But with Claudia Schiffer, she does what most women hate in general. She loves collecting and seeing crawling insects. She is not even a bit terrified or thought that it could hurt her or that they are the scariest little things that any woman could see。 一般女人听到“爬虫”二字就恶心。但德国超模克劳蒂亚·雪佛却喜欢多数女人讨厌的东西。她喜欢收集并观赏爬虫。她一点儿也不害怕,不觉得虫子会伤害她,更不觉得对女人来说它们是极恐怖的小东西。 网友评论